Von When it tragically sinks ... Mit
It is based on Anna Sewell 's 1877 novel of the same name. Von
A teenager loses his horse in Morocco and gets him back after various daredevil adventures.
The curiously named, Moondance Alexander is a spirited teen living with her eccentric mother. B. :
Written by duke1029@aol.com Plot Summary | Add Synopsis Levan Gelbakhiani, Bachi Valishvili, Ana Javakhiskvili
Mit Heiko Lochmann, Roman Lochmann, Lisa-Marie Koroll
She is faced with another uneventful summer until she discovers a lost pinto pony named ...
An abandoned zebra grows up believing he is a racehorse, and, with the help of his barnyard friends and a teenage girl, sets out to achieve his dream of racing with thoroughbreds. Von I'm just a toasted marshmallow when it comes to this story.
Black Beauty, a beautiful black stallion in 1870s England, recalls his life from his birth through his carefree life as a colt to the many hardships he suffered after achieving maturity. Paul Walter Hauser, Sam Rockwell, Kathy Bates Christian Petzold
"Black Beauty," a film centering on a 15 year-old girl who volunteers at a city pound, and convinces her Grandfather in the country to adopt a horse that was rescued from an abusive owner. Mit Die 15 Jahre alte Tierliebhaberin Audrey (Jennifer Mckenzie) macht in ihrer Freizeit in einem städtischen Zentrum ein gemeinnütziges Praktikum.
Widower Squire Weldon (Charles Evans). A young girl befriends a wild black stallion.
Mit der Nutzung von FILMSTARTS willigst Du in die Verwendung von Cookies ein. He goes through many owners, both good and bad, until he finally finds happiness and contentment. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Cale Crane catalyzes the rescue and rehabilitation of Sonador, a race horse with a broken leg. Clint Eastwood Needless to say, the book is ultimately superior to any of the movie versions but this movie does do justice to the book.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends.
Black Beauty is a 1994 American film adaptation of Anna Sewell's 1877 novel of the same name directed by Caroline Thompson in her directorial debut.
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The film is also treated as an autobiography of the horse Black Beauty as in the original novel, and is narrated by Alan Cummingas the voice of the 'Black Beauty'. The fates of horses, and the people who own and command them, are revealed as Black Beauty narrates the circle of his life.
Welket Bungué, Jella Haase, Albrecht Schuch
„Black Beauty“ stammt aus der Feder der Autorin Anna Sewell von 1877. Black Beauty zeichnet den …
Check out our breakdown of the movies and shows we're excited about this month, including "Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? "Black Beauty"-Remake Von dem Roman der britischen Autorin Anna Sewell aus dem Jahr 1877 flimmerten schon viele Verfilmungen über die Leinwand und … Was this review helpful to you? The youngster enjoy growing up as playmates.
Mit Florian Ross Die Ferien verbringt Audrey also bei ihrem Opa mit der Pflege des Pferdes. Use the HTML below.
While traveling with his father, young Alec becomes fascinated by a mysterious Arabian stallion who is brought on board and stabled in the ship he is sailing on. Und ein Platz ist auch schon gefunden: Aubrey überzeugt ihren Großvater (Bruce Davison), der kein gutes Verhältnis zu seinem Sohn hat, das verstörte Tier aufzunehmen, denn er besitzt eine Ranch auf dem Land. Jason Lei Howden
Penny Chenery Tweedy and colleagues guide her long-shot but precocious stallion to set, in 1973, the unbeaten record for winning the Triple Crown.
I've read the book many times and CRY every time.
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