rescue the enchanter part 2 walkthrough

Once you have completed these puzzles, the gate will open and you'll be in front of some Grecian ruins. On either side of the wood carving in the center of the house are two circles. Thanks! Go into the castle, up the stairs, through the left doorway, onto the balcony, and across to the other tower. Follow the instructions from the desk. First head to the oasis (up, up, up, up, up, up, left, left). Take the left staircase.

Good length. THE ENCHANTER Part One Welcome to the wonderful world of Enchanter! Click on it to pick up a grappling hook and attach it to your rope. Return to the lion statue area and pick up the phoenix figurine. A couple puzzles were not clear about the objective, but mostly clear cut and fun.It started off as a great game, and it is. Pick it up and then leave.15. ), then take the rowboat back across to area 47. The chest on the left requires a password. Head straight, towards the desert area. Please help...Where do I find all the stained glass pieces? Look at the plaque for a clue and take the L-shaped piece.Head downstairs and to the right. Hint system that hints, leaves you with coming up with the solution. Place the L-shaped puzzle pieces you've been picking up into the frame.

Head to the left, enter the home, and go up the right staircase. Head out of this room and back up the path to the right. Head to the right and place your new ladder in the hole. This will take you to area 47. The floor will open up and a pedestal will rise with a key on it. Then, use your crowbar on the right wall to reveal another L-shaped piece. In the upper right corner of the screen there are a few symbols. Go down the path to the right and move to the area past the statue. As the name of the game suggests, you want to rescue an enchanter. While you're here, grab a wooden handle that's on top of the platform by the wheel. The wall will open up to a new area. Prop the crossbow up against the railing and add your grappling hook. Use the clue from the floor of the sphinx ruins to figure out the order: yellow, pink, orange, green, blue. Go inside. Grab the key from the middle.Go to the main pagoda area and keep heading left to the red pagoda where you picked up the bow. Click on the tree stump on the edge of the desert. Download Rescue the Enchanter for MAC Download Rescue the Enchanter APK Cathie Vishnevsky (16/08/2019) Love the games by this dev! Place all of the crystals in the pipes. Tap the puzzle to rotate it. No Need to Download. His platform will raise. Pick up the pot and the key. An explosion clears the way and you can go in. Take a piece of firewood from the pile to your left and move down the path. Take the glass piece in the corner and click on the puzzle above the fire. Kaboom! The map had some shortcuts that made the game not only bearable, but fun! Take all 3 objects inside.Now take the long journey to the sphinxes. Not this one. Board the ship and enter the interior.

Use the key you just got on the cabinet and rotate it so it lines up. Return to the blimp and take it to the ship area. Tap it. I usually stay away from this style of game because I find the back and forth tedious. Go into the door and to the right. I also had to use a walkthrough (thanks, Lone Wolf) when I got stuck. Don't worry that you haven't completed all of the areas from 1-20 yet, the game jumps around quite a bit. Usually if you tell me where to go, I can figure out what to do when I get there, so the hints worked ok for me. This unlocks a secret compartment within the caravan. Instead, look at the clue on the tree stump to the right. Click on it and your camera will take a picture. Like with the other game there is no penalty for mistakes and the sequences don't change from attempt to attempt. I needed the hints a few times to propel me forward. A path will now appear. Tap on the door to head to the building. On the bottom right of the back wall there's some detailing.
Arrange the circles so they are in the direction shown on the tablet. Leave the ship and go back onto the path. Take the brass ring hanging on the ceiling and tap on the box on the bench for a puzzle. Hope it clears all.Hi I can’t find the room in the desert,even though I followed the directions helpNeed help with screen 10, I can’t find the oasis,really frustratingI have follwed the walktrough but still cant find every card.I can’t get the grappling hook to work on the castle wall?I cant find the last golden cube from screen 26, can someone please help me out?They are on serene 2-16-20-81 in the well/oaisis and in 81 in not before but after the bridge under the small windowI cannot get through the oasis, I’ve done the right and up thing so many times and it just won’t won’t. There's a rock on the floor that's out of place. Instead, tap on the barrels. Grab the rope and open the cabinet to get an axe. Once you land in area 47, go up the stairs. Use your newest tablet to figure out the order to pull their handles. Move down the path to area 34. ?I’m missing a yellow lantern. The wall opens up to... another tablet and another piece of parchment! Pull the lever on the side of the door so you don't have to take the long way around again. Give the samurai the sword you got from the chest on the boat. Organize the scarab.Two items will pop out: a ring and a piece of parchment. Ride the blimp back to the column zone and go into the underground section. On the right hand side is another music note. Adjust the dragons so they are in the directions on the tile. Take the blimp to the column zone. The camera will take a picture. Follow the right path, go up the stairs, and up the ladder. There's an area with candles up front but you aren't equipped to handle it yet, so go in the room on the left.

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rescue the enchanter part 2 walkthrough