His management postponed a number of shows in Tamworth and Dubbo that conflicted with his scheduled surgery.Media player: “Space” to play, “M” to mute, “left” and “right” to seek.His former manager Peter Rix said he died after what was supposed to be a routine operation.“They discovered problems with aorta valves, a lot of bleeding was involved,” Rix said.Robert Rigby, the manager of English’s record label, said the sudden death had shocked everyone.“This news has come as a very big shock to family and friends and of course the industry as a whole.“Jon was not expecting anything more than a routine operation but due to complications unfortunately he passed away at almost midnight.”
A sad situation that a significant member of Australia’s musical family could be ignored like this. He was a retired driver for UPS, loved the outdoors where he enjoyed boating, and horse racing and was a big UK basketball fan. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-03-10/australian-singer-jon-english-dies-at-age-66/7235366http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-03-10/australian-singer-jon-english-dies-at-age-66/7235366English was well known for his work in music, television and on the stage, most notably his roles as Judas Iscariot in Jesus Christ Superstar in the 1970s and later as Pirate King in The Pirates of Penzance.A statement from his talent representatives, Ambition Entertainment, said at the time of his passing he was surrounded by family members, including his four children, wife Carmen, sister Janet and brother Jeremy, as well as other close family members.Late last month he was hospitalised due to “unexpected ill health”. It will have been at Anne Hawker’s request, for personal reasons, likely to keep the commemoration private, within the family.
Vale Johnny Hawker RIP.P.S. I half expected something on him by now(16/3/2016, 24 hours or so after hearing the news, but there was nothing about his passing here or anywhere else that I could see. Hence my comment: “A sad situation that a significant member of Australia’s musical family could be ignored like this. Jon English Whitfield, 57, of South Louisville was born on June 28, 1959 in Elizabethtown, KY., and passed from this life on March 16, 2017.
Jon English Death – dead, Cause Of Death, Obituary, Funeral Plan, Gofundme: At the time of publishing this story, full details of what happened to Jon English are not public. This memorial service is an occasion for the entertainment industry and Jon’s fans to come and celebrate Jon’s life with tributes and performances in memory of Jon. At least someone remembers!I now understand why nothing has been put up about Johnny Hawker’s passing on Tuesday(15/3/2016). He later suffered an aortic aneurysm and passed away on Wednesday evening while in surgery.The TV series “All Together Now” also had Garry Who(stage name) in a regular role. The 66-year-old was surrounded by his partner and children at the time of his death.Born in the United Kingdom, English emigrated to Australia with his family in the early 1960s. VIDEO: A tribute to Jon English (ABC News) His former manager Peter Rix said he died after what was supposed to be a routine operation. Hawker started a band in 1961 as “Johnny Hawker’s Big Band” and cut records with the W. & G. label. Sometime during the 1960s the band morphed into “The Johnny Hawker Orchestra”(in 1967 they did an instrumental version of The Easybeats’ Friday On My Mind for EMI) In 1971 Hawker took up the role of musical director for, and his orchestra provided the musical backing for Young Talent Time. He’d shown an interest in music from an early age, starting in his first rock band as a teenager.He rose to fame in the early 1970s playing the part of Judas Iscariot in the stage production English continued recording albums and performing on stage while scoring minor acting roles in various TV productions includingEnglish continued to perform on stage, as a musician and as an actor, including a successful run in musicals Television acting roles were limited largely to guest spots, including At the time of his death English was in the middle of an Australian tour. Sorry I had to do it this way, but there was no other avenue. Also, for the Against The Wind feature song, “6 Ribbons”, English’s song-writing partner was Mario Milo.Trivia against the wind was filmed at old Sydney town now closedCan anyone remember the bald-headed comic who played “Bobby Rivers'(English’s character) in All Together Now?My answer to Neil’s question is Bruno Lucia who appeared in ABC’s The Late ShowJane Hall went on to an ongoing role in Neighbours and more recently was doing breakfast radio in Melbourne until the end of 2015.Steve Jacobs is the roaming weather presenter for Today, which is Sydney based.Garry who in 1993 went to be part of an education program that was shown on the ABC called The Reading Writing RoadshowIt has not yet been mentioned on this site yet, but yesterday(15/3/2016) I heard on a radio news bulletin of the passing of Johnny Hawker. The tragic passing has left loved ones and family in great pain and shock. in 1968 Johnny, with wife Anne Hawker, cut a successful cover version of the Esther & Abi Ofrarim hit, Cinderella Rockafeller, for the Astor label.Admittedly there is no connection(except the passing of another significant member of Australia’s musical and TV family), but as there was no story on this site yet about Johnny Hawker, to which I could tie my comment, I had to tie to this one. May John rest in peace and thank you both for your contributions to Australian popular music and television through the years.Maybe sometime later you may be able to put up a belated tribute to Johnny Hawker, Andrew M. He certainly deserves recognition as he’s contributed a lot to Australian music and TV.
The singer-songwriter's star rose in the 1970s after playing Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar. Born in the United Kingdom, English emigrated to Australia with his family in the early 1960s. Jon English, singer, songwriter and actor on stage and television, has died following complications while undergoing surgery.
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