cool down in a sentence

Learn more. cool. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.1. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "cool" and "off." cool down meaning: to continue to exercise gently to prevent injury after you have done more difficult exercises: .

Deidre demanded in a cool tone. He felt Death's Rhyn grunted and rolled onto his stomach. Synonyms for calm down at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. 304. Desire rose hot and fast in him, more so when he felt the The Internet has no central planning agency deciding what new, This short man nodded to Dolgorukov as to an intimate friend and stared at Prince Andrew with The tang of the untainted, fresh and free sea air was like a As I walk along the stony shore of the pond in my shirt-sleeves, though it is Taking a zip-lock bag of scraps from the refrigerator, she opened the door and stepped out into the In the warmest weather I usually placed a pailful in my cellar, where it became When the band took a break, Carmen was looking for something Or perchance, at evening, I hear him in his stable blowing off the superfluous energy of the day, that he may calm his nerves and It was in her mind to tell Claudette to take a long walk off a short pier, but a Lifting the hair off the back of her neck, he applied the So it was natural that to earn extra money, Jason and I would buy There, too, after a fit of temper, I went to find comfort and to hide my hot face in the Following Señor Medena up the stairs, she ran her hand along the smooth wood, enjoying the She stared at his profile and tried to make her voice With more than thirty thousand genes in your body, you can't expect them all to have Maybe it was his looming death, or maybe it was the energy from her From the top of the hill where I stood I saw my army surging over a sunlit plain like angry breakers, and as they moved, I saw the green of fields, like the It may be that he lays up no treasures in this world which will This house will be cheaper to build than a house today and worth vastly more to you for all the It was delightful to lose ourselves in the green hollows of that tangled wood in the late afternoon, and to smell the Pulling back the covers on her bed, she slipped between the So, let's say on average the pan is worth $2,000 to everyone who uses it—all the way from the people who just think it is "I should like very much to see you to-day Is the sun very hot in Boston now? Cool definition is - moderately cold : lacking in warmth. What does cool off expression mean? Light and shadows wreaked havoc on his sense of place and time until he hit the He knew Fred would be waiting up for him, but decided to let the old man According to Norm Hunter, the fisherwoman was so frightened she'd fainted dead away, while her 12-year-old son thought towing Willie two miles to port was super The two pedaled together most of the afternoon, enjoying the pine-scented air, the They were both quiet for a few moments, breathing in the He forced his attention back to Mr. Reynolds and the others waiting in the relative She breathed deep, throwing her head back and fluffing her hair with her fingers to I was working in the house all day and wanted to wear something His hand lightly touched her waist as he guided her into the The next morning Carmen decided to go down to the house and mow the lawn in the Memories beckoned from the creek so she pulled off her shoes, rolled up her pants legs and waded in the The sun peered over the ocean to the north while blooming apple trees sprinkled their flowers into piles in a He'd always loved the teal waters that were neither too warm nor too He shivered at the taste of night-blooming flowers and the salty ocean on the Sirian's coldness had never struck her as anything but rigid discipline and She hesitated at the front door, scanning the porch for snakes before she stepped out into the I want to start on this grass early tomorrow morning while it's He swung around and stared at her, his amber gaze growing A window air conditioning unit hummed, and when he opened the door to the apartment, a surge of Once more, the silver ring flared to life and spun around her She trailed her fingers across it until she felt the Autumn is warmer than spring, especially in the coastal regions, and this is exaggerated in the eastern region by local land winds, which replace the Both passed through phases of faith, but while even Positivism did not The apparatus needs constant attention, since neglect in stoking would result in stopping the generation of steam, and the whole system would almost immediately In the north and on the pampas the north wind is hot and depressing, while the south wind is The climate is hot and humid in the lowlands and along the lower Parnahyba, but in the uplands it is dry with high sun temperatures and He summed up his conduct in the letter of the 8th of May 1797 to the French directory, I This serves a double purpose, bringing up from the soil continually a supply of the soluble mineral matters necessary for their metabolic processes, \vhich only enter the plant in solutions of extreme dilution, and at the same time keeping the plant What is not used in the constructive processes is employed in the evaporation of the water, the leaf being thus kept This low tract, though producing large quantities of grain, was intensely hot in summer; the high regions, however, were Nearly 2000 species of Dyticidae are known: they are universally distributed, but are most abundant in After a sleepless night, I trod with a lofty step the ruins of the forum; each memorable spot, where Romulus stood, or Tully spoke, or Caesar fell, was at once present to my eye; and several days of intoxication were lost or enjoyed before I could descend to a striking the shafts of the Comstock Lode, securing ventilation and We have not the slightest reason to think that the radiation from the sun is measurably weaker now than it was a couple of thousand years ago, yet it can be shown that, if the sun were merely radiating heat as simply a hot body, then it would The climate is healthy for Europeans, being dry and Pierre d'Ailly himself had not long before taken part in the drawing up of a letter to the king in which the advantages of this double abdication were set forth, but since then his zeal had seemed to The tench is really an excellent fish for the table, if kept in The climate of Minas Geraes is characterized by high sun temperatures and England's commercial relations with Charles V.'s subjects in the Netherlands put war with the emperor almost out of the question; and As in .` the case of the apple disease it forms large irregular blackish blotches on the fruit and leaves, the injury being often very severe especially in a Napoleon's admiration for the dictator also began to When the reaction has finished, the whole is evaporated and heated to about 130 0 -140° C. and then allowed to In the American petroleum refineries it is found that sufficient cracking can be produced by slow distillation in stills of which the upper part is sufficiently The heat of summer (December-March, which is the rainy season) is tempered by He had an extraordinary memory, well stored with scientific knowledge, both modern and historical, a Almost his last public act was a speech, on the 24th of April 1844, in New York City, against the annexation of Texas; and in his eighty-fourth year he confronted a howling New York mob with the same The summer heat is moderated by the sea-breeze or by As regards climate the districts of the Central Provinces are generally divided into hot and The trades are steady through the year, and in the dry season the western part of the island enjoys Water is plentiful in the Elburz, and situated in well-watered valleys and gorges are innumerable flourishing villages, embosomed in gardens and orchards, with extensive cultivated fields and meadows, and at higher altitudes small plateaus, under snow until March or April, afford In this way continuous working has been rendered possible, whereas formerly operations had to be stopped every twelve or fifteen hours to allow the over-heated blocks and furnace to Large doors at the side of the cistern are then opened, and as soon as the bags are A soil consisting of sand entirely would be very loose, would have little capacity to retain water, would be liable to become very hot in the daytime and The surface of the harra is extremely broken, forming a labyrinth of lava crags and blocks of every size; the whole region is sterile and almost waterless, and compared with the Nafud it produces little vegetation; but it is resorted to by the Bedouin in the spring and summer months when the air is always fresh and In the interior of northern and central Arabia, however, where the average level of the country exceeds 3000 ft., the fiery heat of the summer days is followed by daily and only require water every third or fourth day: in Thus the Nestorian Church in India, voluntarily and with perfect indifference to theological dogmas, passed under Jacobite rule, and when early in the 18th century, Mar Gabriel, a Nestorian bishop, came to Malabar, he had a This advantage is especially observed in some cases in which the charge of the furnace is liable to attack the containing vessel at high temperatures, as it is often possible to maintain the outer walls of the electric furnace relatively Passing the summit of that range, it rushes down as a The climate of the locality is better than that of the other districts of Berar; the hot wind which blows during the day in the summer months being succeeded at night by a The great bend of the river affords easy irrigation, and the surrounding country is covered by a network of irrigating canals, even the paved streets of the town having streams of In KiushiO, Shikoku and the southern half of the main island, the months of July and August alone are marked by oppressive heat at the sea-level, while in elevated districts a They feed on herbage, shrubs and leaves of trees, and, like so many other large animals which inhabit hot countries, sleep the greater part of the day, and are most active in the Like elephants and buffaloes they lie asleep during the heat of the day, and feed during the night and in the If a mixture of A and B be melted and then allowed to We learn also that solid solutions which exist at high temperatures often break up into two materials as they The general slope of these ridges is towards the N.W., facing Sicily and snow-capped Etna, the source of Pleasant north-east winds blow for an average of 150 days a year, Mercury is expelled, and when this expulsion ceases, the vessel is removed, allowed to This disparity results in some degree at least from the comparative narrowness of the inter-tropical Atlantic, and the absence of a The latter phenomenon is most clearly shown by the stripes of cold water along the west coasts of Africa and America, the current running along the coast tending to draw its water away seawards on the surface and the principle of continuity requiring the updraught of the When liquefied acetylene is allowed to escape from the cylinder in which it is contained into ordinary atmospheric pressure, some of the liquid assumes the gaseous condition with such rapidity as to It is sometimes necessary to use water to keep the brake wheel But Wimpheling had only some timid suggestions to make, and, since Maximilian was once more on happy terms with the pope, political considerations served to In the summer and the autumn the weather is commonly fine, and often most beautiful; and especially in the Berkshires a Private houses were also provided with flat roofs (azoteas) and battlements, which gave them great defensive strength, as well as a dissitiflora, 6 to 8 in., with large handsome abundant sky-blue flowers, is the best and earliest, flowering from February onwards; it does well in light One blow was usually insufficient, and the method was similar to that still used in striking medals in high relief, except that the blank is now allowed to Between these cyclonic storms come areas of high pressure, or anticyclones, with dry CAYEY, an inland district and mountain town of the department of Guayama, Porto Rico, celebrated for its The heat usual in subtropical countries is tempered by the maculosa, which lives in plains or at low altitudes (up to 3000 ft.), deposits her young, ten to fifty in number, in the water, in springs or The tops can then be removed and the bulbs sorted and stored thinly in trays in a It may be obtained crystallized in the quadratic system by melting in a sealed tube containing hydrogen, allowed to Hitherto it had been felt as a great difficulty in casting specula that the solidification did not begin at one surface and proceed gradually to the other, the common sand mould allowing the edges to Among his pamphlets are A Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies (1775); Historical and Political Reflections on the Rise and Progress of the American Rebellion (1780); In the south the normal winter is mild, the normal summer rather hot; in the west the normal winter is cold, the normal summer The residual oily liquid is then poured out into a polished iron tray, or into an iron mould to produce the customary form of "sticks," and allowed to The carnallite produced is dissolved in hot water and the solution allowed to To purify the crude product it is dissolved in hot water and the solution filtered and allowed to The temperature ranges from 66° to 89°, but the heat is tempered by the It is celebrated because of the difficulties overcome on the precipitous eastern slopes of the Sierra Madre, the beauties of the mountain scenery through which it passes, and the rapid transition from the hot, humid coastal plain to the The winters are usually long and severe, and the summers If a long glass tube with plane ends, and containing some pellets of sodium is heated in the middle by a row of burners, the 7764 (1890)] decomposes sulphocyanides by fusing with zinc: the zinc is heated with a small quantity of carbon and when completely fused potassium sulphocyanide is added, the mass being well stirred and heated until it thickens and begins to turn red; finally it is allowed to The bracing weather of Canadian winters is followed by the warmth and humidity of genial summers, under which crops grow in almost tropical luxuriance, while the above sea-level, in a fertile valley of the Sierra Bergantin, long celebrated for its In effect, therefore, Mayow - who also gives a remarkably correct anatomical description of the mechanism of respiration - preceded Priestley and Lavoisier by a century in recognizing the existence of oxygen, under the guise of his spiritus nitro-aereus, as a separate entity distinct from the general mass of the air; he perceived the part it plays in combustion and in increasing the weight of the calces of metals as compared with metals themselves; and, rejecting the common notions of his time that the use of breathing is to As the same stream sometimes changes abruptly from one kind to the other, the two kinds must be due to different conditions affecting the flow, and among the conditions which may cause a stream to break up into the aa have been mentioned the greater depth of the stream, a sluggish current, impediments in its course just as it is granulating, and, what is more probable, subterranean moisture which causes it to de Schulten (Comptes rendus, 1885, 101, p. 72) by boiling magnesium chloride with caustic potash and allowing the solution to The crests of the higher ridges in the central province are delightfully A liquid in which the com position is nearly that of the eutectic shows the changes in the rate of fall of tempera ture as it is allowed to It lies in a level valley surrounded by mountains, and has a south from the mouth of the Winooski river along the lake shore and gradually rising from the water's edge to a height of 275 ft.; its situation and its The bath is heated internally with the current rather than by means of external fuel, because this arrangement permits the vessel itself to be kept comparatively Terentius Varro Lucullus, who was consul in 73 B.C.

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cool down in a sentence