Their resentment prompted them to show that they might have been useful friends, since they could be dangerous enemies: their nerves were braced by adversity: whatever was learned or holy, whatever was noble or valiant, rolled away into the independent states of Trebizond, Epirus, and Nice; and a single John McCririck summed it up on The Morning Line, dubbing the Bush was an Easterner, with what some would have called a He recognized as never before that the peculiar artificial 'hardness' of the (always striving for that permanent seat) as well as among the G7 members (possibly to attain a dream of appearing more "person one: whats your favourite track on in the aeroplane over the sea person two: whats that person one; get away from mine presence at once dirty pleb! patrician definition: 1. of or like a person of high social rank 2. a person of high social rank: 3. of or like a person…. It is thoroughly patrician in all its parts. The patrician stood for the consuls. 2. 1. In ancient Rome the Patrons or Patricians only might marry with each other. 4. 2. Finally he came to one of the greatest houses of the I have been poor myself, and know how hard it is for a Sitting with easy grace upon the splendid horse, she had a curiously He made use of things not only as a soldier run riot, but as a How fine, how self-assertive, is the attitude of this twenty-nine-year-old It owes its origin to Sophie Wurdemberger, a member of one of the old There was therefore here no line like that which in some other countries divides the Another marked feature in the condition of government was the supremacy gained by the The description of this marriage is interesting as a picture of the life of the high The girl stiffened perceptibly, and really looked very Up to this date slavery had been the foundation of society, and any amelioration in the condition of women had applied only to the Her arms below the elbows were uncovered, and her hands were small and finely formed, as Two tall clean-cut well-bred looking girls of our slim The Maryland aristocrat with his town place and his country place was indeed a parallel of the She was tall and somewhat large of frame, with a quiet face that had something The voice held a note of sadness which touched the girl deeply, and she suddenly noted that the fine Then, seeing her panic-stricken women flying hither and thither like witless birds, her Example Sentences: 1. a member of the original senatorial aristocracy in ancient Rome. The patrician caste ruled in camp and court.
Belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy.
patrician in a sentence - Use "patrician" in a sentence 1. Definition: relating to an aristocrat or person of high birth rank Part of Speech: Adjective Synonym(s): noble, royal Antonym(s): common. 2.
As a member of the patrician class, the politician frequently associates with the country’s leaders. Use "patrician" in a sentence A War Like No Other, p.239 These decorations were used both to show the wealth of the patrician, as well as appear frightening to the enemy. Since Leo is a member of the working class, he would be out of place at a patrician social club. He was by far the most important of the Dolabellae, a family of the Many names and customs were introduced into his court from that of Constantinople; he proposed to restore the Roman senate and consulate, revived the office of His mother Domitia Calvilla (or Lucilla) was a lady of consular rank, and the family of his father Annius Verus (prefect of the city and thrice consul), originally Spanish, had received LUCIUS CORNELIUS SULLA (138-78 B.C. The patricians flourished in grand style. Sentence with the word Patrician. 169. Where Kerry tends to be patrician, Edwards is a populist. oh what would the other was founded in 2010 and our goal is to have definitions for any english word.All definitions were added by our community so if you want to help us with one ore more definitions you're welcome and can you add them using the add definition form.Copyright © 2010 - 2020 by AZdictionary.
How to use patrician in a sentence. he shared in the glory of Caesar's African triumph, and in 45 he was made a The most interesting secular buildings are the houses of the old The downfall of the town was accelerated by the illiberal policy of its CATILINE [LUCIUS SERGIUS CATILINA] (c. 108-62 B.C. Of or pertaining to the Roman patres ("fathers") or senators, or patricians. How to use patrician in a sentence. 74.
50. My wealthy grandmother’s standoffish behavior is a part of her patrician upbringing. Patrician definitions. Although Titus has not acquired a patrician rank yet, he is working his way up the social ladder. ), surnamed Felix, Roman general, politician and dictator, belonged to a minor and impoverished branch of the famous The case is again often misunderstood because the words "There is no exact parallel in England to the conflict between these two classes in Scotland in the 16th century, or to the great continental revolution of the 13th and 14th centuries, by which the crafts threw off the yoke of Whatever power they did secure, whether as potent subsidiary organs of the municipal polity for the regulation of trade, or as the chief or sole medium for the acquisition of citizenship, or as integral parts of the common council, was, generally speaking, the logical sequence of a gradual economic development, and not the outgrowth of a revolutionary movement by which oppressed craftsmen endeavoured to throw off the yoke of an arrogant Besides many hundreds of princes, dukes, marquesses, counts, barons and viscounts, there are a large number of persons of The Catuli and Metelli, among the proudest nobles of Rome, were plebeians, and as such could not have been chosen to the purely He received in France a personal visit from Pope Stephen II., who conferred on him the title of The exclusion of the handicraftsmen from the Rath led, early in the 15th century, to a rising of the craft gilds against the MARCUS FURIUS CAMILLUS, Roman soldier and statesman, of The real cause of complaint against him was no doubt his Soon after the Joyeuse Entrée a serious feud began between the citizens and the We see indeed faint traces of distinction among the Both consuls might be plebeians, both could not be Livy could never get rid of the idea that the old struggle between It is first mentioned in 1322, was bought with the adjacent hostelry in 1405 by the city and rearranged as a town hall, and has since, from time to time, been enlarged by the purchase of adjoining At Rome down to the last it made a difference whether the candidate for office was The eorl of the old system would doubtless commonly become a thegn under the new, as the Roman A conspicuous instance was the exclusion of Cologne from 1471 until its obedience in 1476, but the penalty had been earlier imposed, as in the case of Brunswick, on towns which overthrew their The wealth of the burghers during this period was equalled by their turbulent spirit of independence; feuds were frequent, - against the rival city of Bruges, against the counts, or, within the city itself, between the plebeian crafts and the This was the growth of the new nobility of Rome, that body, partly In the following year, according to Procopius, Justinian perceived the value of the Ghassanids as an outpost of the Roman empire, and as opponents of the Persian dependants of Hira, and recognized Harith as king of the Arabs and There had consequently grown up within the state a large artisan class, excluded from the old He now took the title " king of the Lombards," to which he added the dignity of " He did not stay long at Prague, and we find him next at Zurich, whence he accepted an invitation to Venice from a young In all other cities of the Netherlands the craft gilds remained in humble subjection to a council co-opted from a limited number of wealthy His worship, introduced from the Greek colonies in Etruria and in the south of Italy, seems to have been established in Rome from the earliest times, as two old The earliest forerunner of the great sisterhood of nurses of whom we have any record was Fabiola, a On the marriage in 1735 of another Agostino Chigi (1710-1769) with Giulia Albani, heiress of the Albani, a Venetian This brought him into conflict with the aristocratic party, who prevented him from obtaining the aedileship.
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