We are invested in a manager’s background, education, and the way they structure their fund and their business. It is often the case that the fear of losing one’s own money is a great way to focus the mind.We also prefer performance fee structures which incentivize performance over asset gathering. Included in this number are more than 650 companies with a market capitalization above A$100m, with approximately 100 new companies listing on the Australian Stock Exchange each year.Add to this a high degree of both foreign and retail ownership and relatively low levels of research coverage and we have a fertile hunting ground in which active managers can generate alpha. We prefer to co-invest with managers who have substantial personal investments in their funds. When the sun and moon are in alignment – as is the case with a new or full moon – their combined gravitational pull results in exceptionally high tides, known as Spring Tides. We are particularly focused on new funds by seasoned managers – a common source of superior returns.Using lessons learned over 30+ years, we manage risk through a portfolio of managers with diverse approaches who, by virtue of their talents, backgrounds and fund sizes, have competitive advantages in their areas of focus. On Auckland’s East coast, the higher tides are more influenced by monthly perigean tides when the moon is closest to the earth (N2), so higher tides combining with spring tides (King Tides) linger for longer.On Auckland’s West coast, tides are more influenced by the fortnightly spring-neap cycle, so the spring tide period is fairly short, which why there are markedly fewer King Tide occurrences on the west coast compared to the east coast.For more information on tides and how tidal cycles work in New Zealand, take a look at the following website: If you are outside of the Auckland region NIWA provide a The gravitational forces of the moon and also the sun influence all tides on earth. Part of the Global King Tides movement, King Tides Auckland is an exciting community initiative that encourages people from around the Auckland region to visit and photograph the highest tides (known as King Tides) that naturally occur along our coastline each year. On Auckland’s East coast, the higher tides are more influenced by monthly perigean tides when the moon is closest to the earth (N2), so higher tides combining with spring tides (King Tides) linger for longer. These managers often run small funds with flexible mandates – that assists them to protect capital – and who invest a meaningful amount of their personal wealth alongside us.Sam holds a Bachelor of Science and Post Graduate Diploma in Engineering Geology from Canterbury University as well as a Graduate Diploma in Business Studies (Finance) from Massey University. All need to be in agreement with our core values of client alignment, skin in the game etc. These We believe there are good opportunities for active management in Australian and New Zealand equities.The Australian market in particular is extremely dynamic with a high dispersion of stock returns amongst the more than 2,000 listed companies. On the West Coast the King Tide is predicted to peak on Friday 21 August 2020 at around 11:20PM. We work with talented management teams to achieve superior risk-adjusted results.Our research approach is exhaustive in all phases including maintaining a detailed database, regular on-site visits, performance attribution and manager position tracking, correlation analysis, industry reference checks and frequent manager calls. Part of the Global King Tides movement, King Tides Auckland is an exciting community initiative that encourages people from around the Auckland region to visit and photograph the highest tides (known as King Tides) that naturally occur along our coastline each year. The King Tide NZ/Australian Long/Short Equity Fund invests in Australian and New Zealand domiciled equity funds. Our investment approach is based on a disciplined investment research and due diligence process that measures risk while identifying the elements that drive manager outperformance over time. The fund offers professional manager selection, robust portfolio construction, better risk monitoring, thorough and cost-effective due diligence, broad diversification, and access to some of the world’s best equity managers.
Because we are risk averse and don’t like surprises, we monitor intensely and constantly evaluate all portfolio holdings. King Tide Asset Management aims to produce superior returns by selecting managers with superior track records. Great managers are aware of what they don’t know, are quick to recognize mistakes and misconceptions, and are open to criticism and opposing views. The next King Tide event in the Auckland region in 2020 will be: West Coast – 21 August 2020.
At King Tide we focus on the people. Note: Tide times and heights can vary depending on location and weather conditions. Find out other predicted King Tide times though NIWA’s Red Alert Calendar and don’t forget to check the weather. The term “King Tide” is a common term for the highest tides that occur over the course of the year. This generally includes the ability to short-sell stocks but may also be through the use of derivatives, a high weighting to cash or simply by buying stocks with a high margin of safety.In addition we minimise manager specific risk by diversify across a number of managers who in turn utilise a variety of investment styles. These especially high tides eventuate when a new or full moon occurs at the same time as the moon is at its closest to the earth (in its perigee).A more scientific term for these naturally occurring King Tides is perigean spring tides.For those of you with an innergeek, the King Tides Auckland Initiative uses the scientific parameters outlined below to determine when a high tide is classified as a king tide:King Tide days are therefore days where very high tides exceed the Auckland’s coasts are influenced and affected differently by the tidal cycles. Click the wave icons on the map to view tide times for that location, or view all predicted King Tide times for 2020.. Click the tide gauge icons to view gauge locations.
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