Brighton District Library

Find out how to join an existing group or start your own. You can register online or come in to one of our libraries and give us your address. My Account. Borrow, renew and reserve library items. Where our libraries are in Brighton & Hove, how to join, what you can borrow, and how we can help you get online. If you lose your library card, go to one of our libraries or phone 01273 290 800 to let us know. Anyone can use the photocopiers for a small fee. Registration begins on June 14th. Members can read and listen to books and comics online through our 2 eBook services called BorrowBox and RBDigital. Welcome to the Brighton District Library. You can renew your library card by calling 810-229-6571. eBooks and eAudiobooks are electronic versions of books and audiobooks.

Reopening Plan. See More. 744 check-ins. About See All. Closed Now. Find out how libraries support teachers, school children and young people. We are not accepting donations at this time. Free Library Connect sessions are run by volunteers to help people use a computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet, eBook reader or the internet. Search the Catalog. Library services available during Covid-19. Please note the following changes to the reservation process: We now have 7 study rooms that can accommodate anywhere between 1-8 people, in varying sizes. This year’s Summer Reading Challenge will be offered through an online interface called Beanstack. We call this service Libraries Extra. Once registered, earn badges by logging minutes, reading books, and completing activities! 810-229-6571. Can I place items on hold by calling the Library or by using the online catalog? Not yet, hopefully soon! Library patrons, please call your local library. 21 talking about this. Reopening Plan . Use our online catalogue or visit a library to find, reserve and renew books and other items. If you can’t find a specific book or item in our libraries, you might be able to borrow it from a library outside Brighton & Hove. Get in touch with the libraries team for help, information and support. Every family in Brighton & Hove can get free book packs to encourage their children to read. Where our libraries are in Brighton & Hove, how to join, what you can borrow, and how we can help you get online. Check back for updates. Digital Downloads. It’s free to join our libraries and borrow items. Jubilee Library will open from Monday 10 August, with Hove Library following on Wednesday 12 August. You'll need your library card number to log in to most of these. Speak to a librarian to find out more. We have rare books and special collections in Jubilee and Hove libraries that you can arrange to view. We also have audiobooks and books in large print, and all our libraries are wheelchair accessible. Speak to a librarian to find out more. We’ll then select some titles for you and contact you to collect them from Jubilee or Hove library. Library members can use our online resources for free, such as encyclopedias, biographies and academic research. Opens at 10:00 AM . The Library of Things collection aims to encourage lifelong learning and imagination.

Find out what exhibitions and information events are happening in the current month. COVID-19 Information.

The Library is open regular hours for “Grab & Go” service. We host reading and writing groups across Brighton & Hove. Brighton Memorial Library services residents within Macoupin, Jersey and Madison Counties. Yes. Borrow, renew and reserve. We have a home delivery service, so you can get library items delivered to your home. We have different spaces you can hire in our libraries for exhibitions, or to promote your services. 100 Library Dr. (1,754.12 mi) Brighton, MI 48116. Library members can use our free service to let us know the types of books that you like to read. It's free to become a member. Find out how you can donate money to help libraries provide events and activities. Library. Library Materials. Find a library, their opening times, contact information, and what you can do there. Hours. Library members can use the computers for free for up to an hour, printers for a small fee and scanners for free. No. Search Digital Downloads. Page Transparency See More. The Business & IP Centre (BIPC) will open at Jubilee Library in 2020. Free Library Connect sessions are run by volunteers to help people use a computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet, eBook reader or the internet. We host Baby Boogie, story time, and other play sessions for children under 5 years old in our libraries. The Brighton District Library will not be taking new study room reservations until after the Library has reopened.

1,879 people like this. Brighton & Hove Libraries play an important part in the way children learn, discover and study.

Each Thing can be checked out for one week, with an option to renew for an additional week, if the item is not on hold for someone else. Monday – Thursday 10am-9pm Curbside: 11am-7pm Friday & Saturday 10am-5pm Curbside: 11am-4pm Sunday CLOSED You'll need to pay a small fee to replace it. Community See All. Library cardholders can borrow items to acquire new skills or explore areas of interest. Can I drop off donations? 2,094 people follow this. It's free to borrow books, music scores, eBooks and eAudiobooks. We have different rooms you can hire in our libraries for meetings, conferences and events. Find out what volunteer roles we have in our libraries, and how to apply. Search for: Staff Login. Mission Statement: Connect, grow, discover...together. Schedule Curbside Pickup. You can also renew items by phone on 0303 123 0035. Is the Brighton District Library receiving materials from MeLCat libraries (“Interlibrary loan”)? Advice for retail and hospitality businesses Here you can get support to start and grow a business. Jubilee Library will open from Monday 10 August, with Hove Library following on Wednesday 12 August. or call (248) 536-3100 x134 For Library Staff Only! Can I renew my library card by phone?

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Brighton District Library