are a lot of things that you can change in your trademark application,
Chinese company Hanwang Technology, quickly applied for the trademark “i-phone” under the correct category. This gives them far more control over the process and the ability to obtain advice regarding the registration of their mark in Chinese characters. However, businesses should be aware that regardless of the path they choose to facilitate their Chinese trademark, investing in pre-application due diligence is imperative. If you want a Chinese trademark attorney to perform a comprehensive search of your trademark and also give you an opinion about registration’s possibilities, please order a Trademark Comprehensive Study in China. The trademark search is a risk control action before filing the mark. Please click the link to activate your accountAn email is on it’s way to you,Please enter the verification code to change the passwordAn email is on it’s way to you. Rival companies can register the same or similar mark in Chinese characters, if you do not proactively do so.By directly submitting a Chinese trademark application through the CNIPA, foreign applicants are required to use a registered agent. Through WIPO or CNIPA - Where Should My Chinese Trademark Application Be Filed? Patent Lifecycle in CNIPA (Invention) What is the earlier publication? You can pay attention to the dynamic of the official web:Once registered, a Trademark is valid for 10 years, calculated from the registration date.For continuous usage, after first 10 years, the applicant should keep on renewing it every 10 years.Application for renewal of registered trademark shall be filed with the Chinese Trademark Office (CTMO) within 12 months before the expiration of the period of validity.After you file your trademark, you can't alter the trademark itself. Follow the instructions to reset your password. What documents needed for applying a patent in China? It is relatively simple to run a trademark clearance search when first considering filing and in this way you can check that your mark is unique and complies with China’s trademark laws.Download our Fact Sheet today and get an overview of key information on trademark registration in China, as well as ten other rapid growth Asian countries.
For the purposes of protection, each subclass is treated uniquely; filing under one subclass does not guarantee protection under any other subclass.You, as the filer, must determine the subclasses your trademark will be filed under.
Prerequisite for registering Madrid trademark in China, The applicant needs to be Chinese (includes China and Taiwan, excludes Hong Kong and Macau) citizen, business organization, or other organization.However, The Government was proposing for the Protocol to be applicable to Hong Kong.
These can take up to five months to be issued. When it comes to Chinese trademark filings, according to TrademarkNow data, the percentage of WIPO applications has gone down from 3% in 2011 to 1% in 2018. Please notice that this search engine usually is very slow, but it is the official source for registered trademarks in China. Free global trademark search by text or image WIPO Global Brand Database Perform a trademark search by text or image in brand data from multiple national and international sources, including trademarks, appellations of origin and official emblems.
What applicants can do with the rejection of their patent applications? At one time, the drinks giant registered its product as Ke Dou Ken La, which translated into something like ‘bite a wax tadpole’ (蝌蚪啃蜡). Furthermore, Chinese litigation can prove difficult due to inevitable language and cultural differences, which can add to the expense and stress of going to Court.The CNIPA splits each Nice class of trademarks into a series of subclasses unique to China.
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