whiskey drinkers personality

Here's hoping those rose tinted glasses don't come out anytime soon. You love sophistication.

Regaling people with stories about your life is your favorite past time, and you don't believe in being just 'happy high'. Those who familiarize themselves with the spirit are often considered “sophisticated”, “charming”, “charismatic” and “successful”. You maybe coughing out more than what you're downing in, but you know that your outrageous dance moves are what will truly set the party mode on. But you are set in your rules and won't change for the world.

Thus, alcohol is a base desire you don't always indulge in, but if you have to, then it is with a drink that can help you forget the present and remember the future!

Whiskey Ginger Ale. For the seasoned drinkers, here's what your favorite liquor says about you: Whiskey is the drink of the confident person. Not only is it the perfect night cap, it’s also a key ingredient in many Aside from making unlikely strangers appear more attractive, and the fact that a shot of the liquid gold can nip your cold right in the bud, whiskey and knowledge of it, can also suggest a lot about a person’s status and personality.Those who familiarize themselves with the spirit are often considered “sophisticated”, “charming”, “charismatic” and “successful”.My personal opinion is that if you drink enough whiskey, you can make yourself believe that you possess all of the above-mentioned qualities, regardless of whether they are true or not.Needless to say, I am a fervent advocate of bourbon, rye and scotch.Now, I’ve been drinking whiskey for over ONE year now (which is 7 in dog years), so I can confidently say that I am well-versed in proper whiskey etiquette, but nowhere near being classified as a Master connoisseur.What I DO know, however, is that you can easily trick people into THINKING that you’re a master, based on the way you drink your whiskey.Upon your sad realization of the truth,  you can then change the way you currently drink it so that people think more highly of you.For instance, if you’re drinking shots of scotch, chances are you’re already at rock bottom, so you can only improve from there!So please pour yourself a whiskey, change the channel to something about hunting or fishing or carpentry, and figure out how to drink the way Nadya heads marketing at Venngage and has been featured in Entrepreneur, The Huffington Post, The Next Web, Forbes, Marketing Profs, Social Media Examiner and more. Gin may be a bitter pill, but it is your bitter pill to swallow! My personal opinion is that if you drink enough whiskey, you can make yourself believe that you possess all of the above-mentioned qualities, regardless of whether they are true or not. )You are the adventure lover who needs a constant influx of thrill in your life.

But you don't care, just like you don't care about world news and whatnot. You are the one who sneaks in their parent's liquor cabinet and steal a sip because ever since the time your father made you sip brandy on a cold hill station, you couldn't resist the lure of this alcohol. Whiskey is the drink of the confident person.

You want people to see you drinking whiskey, but you don't want to deal with actually drinking whiskey. The popularity of whiskey has been on a steady increase over the past few years. However, when you're downing the seventh drink, just remember, there is a fine line between confidence and overconfidence, and driving that car is definitely not the right idea. Bourbon drinkers are some of the most brand-loyal drinkers out there.Because if you love bourbon, you don’t just love bourbon; you’re a Bulleit guy or Four Roses gal. You favor the sweeter mixtures and are not a regular drinker, but make sure you don't tell anyone that Benadryl gives you the same high as Brandy!You like to chill and you know exactly how to. Just be sure that it is your dance moves and not vomit videos that make it to social media the next day, though both can be equally shocking. You are the real king of good times. Even though you still Google answers to why a wine glass is only half filled, you know that you can rely on the fifth half-filled wine glass to make your answers interesting.

She also has a web-series called You believe in smiling all the time and having a good time. Which is how you drink that gin and tonic anyway!This was the first drink that you tried, when sneaking out with your friends and ditching the tuition class.

Whiskey drinkers add spice.

You have a sweet tooth that has managed to find the sweetness even in hard drinks, if Jagermeister can even be called a liquor, when traditionally it's a liqueur. After all the party hasn't started till your insides start burning. The whiskey drinker is the most interesting, swarthy character amongst any group of steely gentlemen. “Single malt drinkers know exactly how their whiskey should be served,” says Brown. Your Twitter account divulges too much information about your co … But you don't mind the judgmental stares because while other people start their night at the fifth drink, you are already swaying to silent beats by your second.

The whiskey drinker will never run to vodka for company, though he might dip into scotch in times of despair, because every drink says something about a person's personality.

And that age is what you unknowingly exhibit every time you down a drink or claim for 'shots'. You don't need company to enjoy your favorite drink, and Jagjit Singh is a superhero to you. You are often the last man standing, or rather stumbling your way out of a party.

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whiskey drinkers personality