when is international hug your cat day

Some studies show that cat purring can help to reduce stress levels and make one feel calmer. The obvious downside to the day is that people without cats may be left out. Thick or thin, your cat will still trip you on the stairs.

Put the cat on a pedestal and thank him or her for the numerous times it had stayed close when feelings of loneliness or sadness emerged. If you are cat-less, we recommend playing with some at your local shelter.

National Hug Your Cat Day – June 4, 2020. A Fun Wish On Hug Your Cat Day.

Sparks on International Hug Your Cat Day. Please contact us if ever we can be of assistance.

Pet Holidays for June 2020 • Adopt a Cat Month (AH) / Adopt a Shelter Cat Month (ASPCA) • National Pet Preparedness Month • National Microchipping Month • June 1–7: Pet Appreciation Week • June 4: Hug Your Cat day • June 8: National Best Friends Day
Send this cute and cuddly hug to wish on Hug Your Cat Day. Hug Your Cat Day is a good excuse to say no to social events for the day and instead choose to stay home with a furry friend. Welcome to National Hug Your Cat Month! Cats are there to provide unconditional love through thick and thin, regardless of the circumstances. While you enjoy a snuggle with Kitty, consider how well you really know your furry friend!. window.fbl_started = true; });

Cats were first domesticated in the Near East around 7500 BC. May 30 th is International Hug Your Cat Day!

Therefore, it makes sense why the decision was made to turn hugging your cat into a celebration.There are many reasons to love Hug Your Cat Day. Hug Your Cat Day is a good excuse to say no to social events for the day and instead choose to stay home with a furry friend. At best, your feline buddy will struggle to get down. } ); Rule #1: never hug a cat that doesn’t want to be held.

The day is an excellent reminder to give cats some extra TLC and thank them for their friendship and loyalty. Pets can help teach children about unconditional love and friendship. Make sure everyone is equipped with treats and prepared to dish out plenty of hugs during the party. window.FB.init({ Most cat owners don’t need an excuse to show their furry companion some love, but June 4 th is a good reminder to give some extra cuddles to your cat!. Any advice provided is general only.
autoLogAppEvents : true, try{

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(function(d, s, id) { In the Ancient Egyptian days, cats were worshipped and glorified. It’s a good day for finding fellow cat-owners and enthusiasts among your friends, family, and strangers you met on the bus. What better way to get to know someone better than bonding over cute pictures of your cat and sharing its funny mannerisms.We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar — giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other exciting ways to celebrate. js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js";

cookie : true, If you want, you can even offer your cat that explanation.

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Be glad to know that someone who suffers from allergies need not be left out either.

Have you ever seen cats bumping noses?

At best, your feline buddy will struggle to get down.

“They provide joy, entertainment and comfort when we need it, for this they should be celebrated.”Terms, conditions, waiting periods and limits apply. Purr-fect Healing: When cats purr, the sonic frequency they produce helps in reducing body pain and accelerating healing, so giving your cat a hug, can actually improve their physical health.

There’s no better time to snuggle with a cat and give them a few extra scratches they will love.A cat will be a friend forever and won’t disappoint its owner. Feeling calmer is good for a person’s cardiovascular system and will have long-term health benefits that shouldn’t be ignored. status : false, If you caught your cat in the act of helping, submit a photo here! Being literary types, we’re fairly certain you are acquainted with Shel Silverstein, but if not, here’s a little info. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. May 30 th is International Hug Your Cat Day! In June, we smother our furry feline friends with affection they may try to escape. Hugging your furry friend can help lower your blood pressure, and reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

} catch (e){} Just be sure to supervise young children when they interact with cats.

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when is international hug your cat day