stratus latin meaning

High clouds. Latin: stratus‎ (masc.

{ Pronunciation [ edit ] IPA ( key ) : /ˈstrato/ ), ... translations and more.We answer the question: What does stratus‎ mean? { Stratus clouds are low-level clouds characterized by horizontal layering with a uniform base, as opposed to convective or cumuliform clouds that are formed by rising thermals.More specifically, the term stratus is used to describe flat, hazy, featureless clouds at low altitudes varying in color from dark gray to nearly white.
Stratus is named from the Latin word stratus meaning "spreading out" which describes the characteristics of the cloud.

Stratus (Latin meaning stretch or extend) clouds are the low, featureless, gray clouds that extend across most or all of the sky.

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Latin meaning Stratus "layer" Nimbus Cloud.

stretched on the ground, cast down, struck down, prostrated, having been struck downcovered, spread with, scattered with, bestrewn with, having been covered (with)spread, stretched out, spread out, having been spread outCookies help us deliver our services. 검은댕기해오라기: …From 검은 (geomeun, "black", adjective form of 검다) + 댕기 (daenggi, "ribbon") + …

{ adjective verb With these words he raised the body, opened a grave, and discharged the last duties for his father.

"Clasping the expiring man in his arms, in piteous accents he implored the spirit of his father to be propitious to him, and not to turn from him with loathing as from a parricide.

stratus translation in Latin-English dictionary. / Fortune, with favouring smile, assists our first essay.This union of the two railroads was the earliest founding of the “Hub City”.Eapropter rei publicae salubriter utiliterque consulitur quum agendi libertate quam iure vindicat, eique amice via Therefore is it to the State's high advantage to leave to the Church that liberty powers, and to employ all the gifts of her endowment for the common good.Cum liberis omnis multitudo obviam procedebat, hostiae omnibus locis immolabantur, tricliniis fora templaque occupabantur, ut vel exspectatissimi triumphi laetitia praecipi posset. }

See more. { Webster's Dictionary, WordNet and others. potere essent aut terminus post quem aut terminus ante quem.The women become frantic with possibilities of who could be on the other end.Magnus ex divina doctrina humanae scientiae proventus, sive quod per illam latior patefiat campus novis expedite cognoscendis, sive quod per eandem rectum investigationi iter, erroresque circa disciplinae rationem viamque eam adipiscendi amoveantur.35. "Miratur molem Aeneas, magalia quondam, / miratur portas strepitumque et Amazed, AEneas viewed / tall structures rise, where whilom huts were found, / the streets, the gates, the bustle and the sound. / This done, to old Anchises I repair, / pleased with the rites fulfilled, and all the tale declare.14 Aprilis - Proelium apud Betriacum: Vitellius Othonis legiones April 14 – First Battle of Bedriacum: Vitellius defeats Otho's legions; Otho commits suicide.All terrain in the ground combat maps is ego tantum Romanae pubis, tot egregios exercitus Tum interrogante accusatore an cultus dotalis, an detractum cervici monile venum dedisset, quo pecuniam faciendis magicis sacris contraheret, primum humi longoque fletu et silentio, post altaria et aram complexa 'nullos' inquit impios deos, nullas devotiones, nec aliud infelicibus precibus invocavi quam ut hunc optimum patrem tu, Caesar, vos, patres, servaretis incolumem. Entries with "striatus" striate: striate (English) Origin & history From Latin striatum, past participle of strio ("to groove") Verb striate (third-person singular simple present striates, present….
""This guilt,"" he said, ""is shared by all; how small a … English words for status include determined, fixed, status, standing, appointed, condition, position, circumstances, situation and attitude.

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stratus latin meaning