slavery in a sentence

We dare not, therefore, withhold our testimony against slaveryany more than against any other crime. schiavi Synonyms for slavery at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. The transformation from indentured servitude to slaverywas a gradual process in Virginia. Escaping slavery herself, Harriett Tubman helped other slaves make it to freedom in the north. No place in these documents is the term slavery used.

Chattel slavery, or the owning of human beings as property able to be bought, sold, given, and inherited, is perhaps the best known form of slavery. Because the Northern states supported the abolition of slavery, many slaves fled to the North in search of freedom. 91.

Definition of Slavery. make any treaty or alliance; coin money or make anything, save gold and silver coin, a legal tender; pass any bill of attainder or ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts; have any but a republican form of government; grant any title of nobility; maintain The king's second wife, Isabella of Portugal, was offended at the immense influence of the constable, and urged her husband to free himself from This caused a disagreement between Alabama and the United States authorities; although it was amicably settled, it engendered a feeling that the pulicy of the national government might not be in harmony wD.h the interests of the state - a feeling which, intensified by the As early as 1835 the legislature adopted a resolution which asserted the legality of Although Governor Brown represented the poorer class of white citizens he had taken a course in law at Yale College, had practised law, and at the time of his election was judge of a superior court; although he had never held slaves he believed that the abolition of In accord with President Andrew Johnson's plan for reorganizing the Southern States, a provisional governor, James Johnson, was appointed on the 17th of June 1865, and a state convention reformed the constitution to meet the new conditions, rescinding the ordinance of secession, abolishing He favoured the annexation of Texas, supported the Polk administration on the issues of the Mexican War and the Oregon boundary controversy, and though voting for the admission of free California demanded national protection for Though opposed to a monopoly of political power in the South by the great slaveholders, he deprecated anti-He supported in 1860 the ultra-Democratic ticket of Breckinridge and Lane, but he did not identify the election of Lincoln with the ruin of the South, though he thought the North should give renewed guarantees to In the Senate Wade was from the first an uncompromising opponent of During 1861-1862 he was chairman of the important joint-committee on the conduct of the war, and in 1862, as chairman of the Senate Committee on Territories, was instrumental in abolishing Wade of Ohio, who had piloted the bill through the Senate, in issuing the so-called "WadeDavis Manifesto," which violently denounced President Lincoln for encroaching on the domain of Congress and insinuated that the presidential policy would leave They were the first society in the world to condemn At death it is released from its bonds, as from long The leading men of Harran emigrated into Syria, the rest were carried into With the aid of some officers he drew up, in April 1783, a plan for the settlement of the north-west territory, which provided for the exclusion of Birney's father was among those who advocated a "free state" constitution for Kentucky, and the home environment of the boy had thus fostered a questioning attitude towards Seward characterized as an "irrepressible conflict" the antagonism between freedom and Letter on Colonization (1834), Vindication of Abolitionists (1835), American Churches the Bulwark of American He sought to incorporate in a new code for the District of Columbia, in 1832, a prohibition of the slave trade in the district, at the same time opposing the abolition of About 1831 both she and her husband began to identify themselves with the anti-But the zeal of the Portuguese took too often a one-sided direction, repressing the Syrian Christians on the Malabar coast, and interfering with the Abyssinian Church,3 while the fanatic temper of the Spaniard consigned, in Mexico and Peru, multitudes who would not renounce their heathen errors to indiscriminate massacre or abject FREE SOIL PARTY, a political party in the United States, which was organized in 1847-1848 to oppose the extension of Julian of Indiana, were nominated for the presidency and the vice-presidency respectively, on a platform which declared But as the North grew stronger and the South in comparison grew weaker, as Peloponnesus and captured its most famous cities, Corinth, Argos and Sparta, selling many of their inhabitants into He also continued his pleadings for the annexation of Texas, as extending "the area of freedom," and though a Democrat, took high moral ground as to Here he was conspicuous as an ardent free-trader and an uncompromising advocate of "States Rights," opposed the protectionist tariff bills of 1824 and 1828, and consistently upheld the doctrine that Garrison in 1831, had stirred the conscience of the North, and had had its influence even upon many who strongly deprecated its extreme radicalism; the Compromise of 1850 had failed to silence sectional controversy, and the Fugitive Slave Law, which was one of the compromise measures, had throughout the North been bitterly assailed and to a considerable extent had been nullified by state legislation; and finally in 1854 the Lincoln had early put himself on record as opposed to At Freeport, on the Wisconsin boundary, on the 27th of August, Lincoln answered questions put to him by Douglas, and by his questions forced Douglas to "betray the South" by his enunciation of the "Freeport heresy," that, no matter what the character of Congressional legislation or the Supreme Court's decision "On the 27th of February 1860 in Cooper Union, New York City, he made a speech (much the same as that delivered in Elwood, Kansas, on the 1st of December) which made him known favourably to the leaders of the Republican party in the East and which was a careful historical study criticising the statement of Douglas in one of his speeches in Ohio that "our fathers when they framed the government under which we live understood this question [Lincoln pointed out that the majority of the members of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 opposed The Republican national convention, which made "No Extension of Seward was the most conspicuous Republican in national politics, and Salmon P. Chase had long been in the fore-front of the political contest against On the 6th of March 1862, he sent a special message to Congress recommending the passage of a resolution offering pecuniary aid from the general government to induce states to adopt gradual abolishment of On the 9th of May 1862 General David Hunter, commanding in the limited areas gained along the southern coast, issued a short order declaring his department under martial law, and adding - "Congress by express act (approved on the 19th of June) prohibited the existence of During the month of July his own mind reached the virtual determination to give Congress now acted promptly: on the 31st of January 1865, that body by joint resolution proposed to the states the 13th amendment of the Federal Constitution, providing that "neither Before the end of that year twenty-seven out of the thirty-six states of the Union (being the required three-fourths) had ratified the 1 It is to be noted that The president thereupon sent them, and made public, the following standing offer: "To whom it may concern:" Any proposition which embraces the restoration of peace, the integrity of the whole Union, and the abandonment of "There have been men base enough," he said, "to propose to me to return to Arnold, History of Abraham Lincoln and the Overthrow of From the very beginning of his service in Congress he was prominent as an opponent of the extension of John Lowell graduated at Harvard in 1760, was admitted to the bar in 1763, represented Newburyport (1776) and Boston (1778) in the Massachusetts Assembly, was a member of the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention of1779-1780and, as a member of the committee appointed to draft a constitution, secured the insertion of the clause, "all men are born free and equal," which was interpreted by the supreme court of the state in 1783 as abolishing His object, however, was not to establish a permanent new party organization, but to bring pressure to bear upon Northern Democrats to force them to adopt a policy opposed to the further extension of The Kansas-Nebraska legislation, and the subsequent troubles in Kansas, having convinced him of the futility of trying to influence the Democrats, he assumed the leadership in the North-west of the movement to form a new party to Oppose the extension of Although, with the exception of Seward, he was the most prominent Republican in the country, and had done more against The story of Acragas ended in plunder, slaughter and In Boston he had met Benjamin Lundy, who had for years been preaching the abolition of Garrison had been deeply moved by Lundy's appeals, and after going to Vermont he showed the deepest interest in the Garrison was deeply impressed by the good Quaker's zeal and devotion, and he resolved to join him and devote himself thereafter to the work of abolishing He saw that it would be idle to expose and denounce the evils of He was sure, after his experiences at Baltimore, that a movement against He first proposed to establish his paper at Washington, in the midst of He visited privately many of the leading citizens of the city, statesmen, divines and merchants, and besought them to take the lead in a national movement against His conviction of the righteousness of his cause, of the evils and dangers of But the paper founded under such inauspicious circumstances exerted a mighty influence, and lived to record not only President Lincoln's proclamation of emancipation, but the adoption of an amendment to the constitution of the United States for ever prohibiting Other newspapers were afterwards established upon the same principles; anti-He was a man of peace, hating war not less than he did In the spring of this year Garrison issued his Thoughts on African Colonization, in which he showed by ample citations from official documents that the American Colonization Society was organized in the interest of He went in the spring of 1833, when he was but twenty-seven years of age, and was received with great cordiality by British Abolitionists, some of whom had heard of his bold assaults upon American He also received assurances of the cordial sympathy of British Abolitionists with him in his efforts to abolish American This added fresh fuel to the public excitement, and when Thompson came over in the next spring, the hostility to the cause began to manifest itself in mobs organized to suppress the discussion of the The discussions of the next few years served to make clearer than before the practical workings of the constitution of the United States as a shield and support of On the other hand, he always had the highest respect for every earnest and faithful opponent of When in 1861 the Southern states seceded from the Union and took up arms against it, he saw clearly that In 1865 at the close of the war, he declared that, *One, which by force of circumstances remained inoperative, was the abolition of the legal status of Seventeen legislative proclamations were enacted in the first year dealing with the immediate necessities of the position, and providing for the establishment of a supreme and provincial court of justice, for the legalization of native courts of justice, and dealing with questions of Practical effect was given to the abolition of the legal status of Civil questions arising from the institution of domestic In 1779-1780 he was a member of the Pennsylvania assembly, where he voted for the abolition of If civilization were more advanced, I would abolish this Though living in a slave state he was consistently opposed to Before the Civil War Stanton was a Democrat, opposed to His aversion from the ordinary radicalism led to an article upon Of the prisoners an unknown number died of hunger in Durham cathedral, others were sold to Between 680 and 670 the Cimmerians in their destructive progress over Asia Minor overran Phrygia; the king Midas in despair put an end to his own life; and from henceforth the history of Phrygia is a story of They are subjected to incredible abuses under Spanish colonial rule, their numbers being reduced to a fraction of the former population, and even yet they are subjected to a kind of debt-bondage which is Slaves had been brought into the Illinois country by the French, and Governor Arthur St Clair (1734-1818) interpreted the article of the Ordinance of 1787, which forbade In 1842 the moral issue had become political, and the Liberty Party was organized, which in 1848 united with the Free Soil Party; but as the Whig Party approved the policy of non-extension of part of the state, where there was a strong feeling against national interference with Among its acts was the assumption of the right of ratifying a proposed amendment to the constitution of the United States which prohibited Congress from interfering with the institution of Unlike most men of the ruling classes in England, he warmly championed the cause of the North, and his pamphlets, especially one entitled Does the Bible sanction American In 1772 it was decided by the English courts that a slave as soon as he set foot on the soil of the British Isles became free; the slave trade, however, continued actively until 1807, when an Act was passed to prevent British subjects dealing in slaves; in 1811 the traffic in slaves was declared to be felony; in 1833 the status of In subsequent years over 700 slaves were rescued at sea and more than 2,000 otherwise released; the traffic was by 1920 virtually dead in the Gulf, but The position of women is little better than a pampered Five of the seven judges in 1837 were his appointees, and the majority of them were Southerners who had been educated under Democratic influences at a time when the In consequence, although the high judicial character of the men appointed and the lawyers' regard for precedent served to keep the court in the path marked out by Marshall and Story, the state sovereignty influence was occasionally manifest, as, for example, in the opinion (written by Taney) in the Dred Scott case (18 57, 19 Howard, 393)393) that Congress had no power to abolish One of his phrases went home, when he described the majority as " begotten by Chinese Throughout he was conspicuous as an opponent of the extension of began in earnest with the establishment of the Liberator by William Lloyd Garrison in 1831, soon led to the sending of innumerable petitions to congress for the abolition of In 403 B.C.

Indeed, it stands upon the same footing that slaverydoes, and is vindicated by the same process of reasoning. In 1640 a Virginia court sentenced John Punch to slavery, forcing him to serve his master, Hugh Gwyn, for the remainder of his life. When work is a pleasure , life is joy ! Use slavery in a sentence Slavery was a common practice in the 1800's on cotton plantations in the south. They do not represent the opinions of

Examples of Slavery in a sentence. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors.

English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Slave" in Example Sentences Page 1. 2542309 I'm tired of being your slave. 2. They weren't given much to eat, and probably didn't have much time to clean themselves up, so they all probably smelled.

4. Slavery is the antithesis of freedom.

Who wants slavery ?

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slavery in a sentence