The Taurus Electro G2 conforms with EU microlight standards as well as FAA ASTM standards for the airframe. Whether the electrical power comes straight from the grid or from other sources (solar, wall-mounted batteries, wind, etc), this does not depend on Pipistrel and should be consulted with the local electrical service provider.The 5.7 inch LCD EPSI 570C cockpit display is the main source of information to the pilot about the operational state of the electric propulsion system in the aircraft, using intuitive graphics to display all relevant parameters.
Enhanced situational awareness is provided by the Crew Alerting System (CAS) and an Annunciator panel.The Velis Electro is ideal to train student pilots towards their LAPL and PPL licences. Already a member? Multiple choice of engines defines the varants, ranging from the 80 HP to the 115 HP Turbocharged Rotax 912/914 series engines, including the fuel injected iS. EASA’s exemption, which was coordinated between French, Swiss, Slovenian CAA’s and Pipistrel, sets forth requirements for Part-66 licenced mechanics, which include a difference training course specific to Velis Electro. Special safety features are built into the design to achieve levels of safety according to the stringent DO-311A requirements. The company noted plans to deliver aircraft to 31 Velis Electro customers in seven countries before the end of the year. This enhanced reliability allows the Velis Electro to have more than double the lifespan of powertrain elements in comparison to the previous generation of electric aeroplanes.As part of the Type Certification, Pipistrel demonstrated that the Velis Electro achieves the highest levels of safety, even surpassing those required for conventionally powered aircraft.The power is delivered by 345 VDC electric system built around a liquid-cooled in-house developed high performance battery system, which includes two Pipistrel PB345V124E-L batteries connected in parallel, installed in a redundant 2-unit arrangement, total nominal capacity 24.8 kWh.
It is equipped with a Pipistrel type certified electric engine E-811-268MVLC (TC No.
It has short take-off distance, powerful 1000+ fpm climb capability and an endurance of one hour plus a 30-minute reserve. Not a member?
Click on the different category headings to find out more. The Alpha Electro is optimized for traffic-pattern operations, where up to 13% of energy is recuperated on every approach, increasing operations range and at the same time enabling short-field landings. Please login below for an enhanced experience. Endurance for training sorties is, therefore, the appropriate parameter to quote.The TBO (time between overhaul) of the motor is 2000 hours. A search function (To attain the access username and password for the technical publications portal, please contact Andrej Bernard Horvat at This site uses cookies. The fans are automatically controlled and monitored by the BMS for seamless operation.Batteries can be charged via an onboard charging port using a Pipistrel electric charger. The Alpha was announced at the end of 2011 and production started in 2012. Pilatus: success to date but prepares for turbulence. The Pipistrel Alpha Trainer is a Slovenian two-seat, single-engine light-sport aircraft intended specifically for flight training, designed and produced by Pipistrel in Gorizia, Italy.. Consider that each of the two batteries weighs approximately 70 kg; quick swapping would necessitate additional ground handling equipment and introduce potential safety hazard associated with battery dropping on the floor. Employing the Pipistrel’s type certified electric engine, the Velis Electro delivers power instantly and without hesitation – using a simplified user interface in a cockpit that maintains the same look-and-feel of its conventionally powered siblings. Even if this standard connector is also used on cars, Velis Electro charging is allowed only with a Pipistrel portable charger or a The endurance was designed to cover for typical flight school utilisation for local flying (50 minutes plus reserve) and is a compromise between performance, environmental robustness (flying in hot, flying in cold, charging in hot, charging in cold) and battery system lifetime.The Velis Electro is designed for local flights to work alongside other aircraft of the Velis Training System, therefore A to B flights are not part of the typical mission. Fully approved for pilot training in day VFR operations Quiet on the inside, quiet on the outside Optimized for pilot training as an element of the Velis Training System, complementing the SW 121, but can be enjoyed separately as well.
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