He even met Brigham Young and the Mormons as they traveled toward the Great Salt Lake Valley in 1847 (the meeting took place near the Little Sandy Crossing of the Oregon Trail east of Farson, Wyoming).A stop in Pinedale at the Museum of the Mountain Man is required on a journey following Jim Bridger across the West, for the museum celebrates the era of the mountain man, and it has on display a gun once used by Bridger.From Pinedale continue south on U.S. 191 to Farson, and take Highway 28 west linking into U.S. 189. St Louis Cathedral Records; Vasquez papers file, Missouri Historical Society Library: Pierre Louis Vasquez Bible in possession of Douglas Whitney.
Pierre Luis Vasquez (October 3, 1798 – September 5, 1868) was a mountain man and trader.
Would you like Wikipedia to always look as professional and up-to-date? Every page goes through This article is about the trader. Flagg is a good place for a meal, for a refill on fuel or to stay the night. Louis Vasquez (1798–1868) was a fur trapper and mountain man active in Colorado during the 1820s and 1830s. Pierre Luis Vasquez was the son of Benito Vasquez and Marie-Julie Papin (daughter of Pierre Papin & Catherine Guichard. At St. Louis in 1846 Vasquez married a widow, Mrs. Narcissa Land Ashcraft and took his new family, her son and daughter, to Fort Bridger in Wyoming. You could also do it yourself at any point in time.It will enhance any encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the WIKI 2 technology. This was a route for Oregon- and California-bound travelers, but Bridger came this way to trap the cold streams flowing into the Bear River.Then turn south once again, traveling along U.S. 89 through Logan, Utah, and then south on I-15 to the Salt Lake Valley. He trapped here and attended the six rendezvous held in the area. Would you like Wikipedia to always look as professional and up-to-date? In 1822 William Ashley and Andrew Henry organized the Rocky Mountain Fur Company to tap thi… Pierre Luis Vasquez (October 3, 1798 – September 5, 1868) was a mountain man and trader. You could also do it yourself at any point in time.It will enhance any encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the WIKI 2 technology. Before the Sharps "Big 50" rifle was invented, it was necessary to carry a waterproof powder horn and a bag of rifle balls weighing fifty to a pound. It is also the site of an 1832 battle between the trappers and Blackfeet Indians. After Vasquez and his band of trappers departed Hams Fork in 1834, his next point-of-contact was on December 30, 1834, when he wrote another letter to Benito and datelined it “Fort Convenience.” Unlike the July letter, this one gives no indication of his specific whereabouts, nor any description of “Fort Convenience.” The mystery lies in the fact that Vasquez never mentions the fort again, no other contemporary accounts of it exist by name, and no firsthand descriptions of its remains are known.
There they had three more children; Louis, Marianne and Sara. On December 10, 1832, Louis Vasquez wrote his brother, Benito, a letter making known his intentions to travel to the western mountains and assigning his property to Benito in the event of his death.
Pierre Luis Vasquez was the son of Benito Vasquez and Marie-Julie Papin (daughter of Pierre Papin & Catherine Guichard.
At Names Hill, you can view a rock inscription “Jim Bridger, 1844.” Almost certainly Bridger was in this area, though since he was illiterate, it is doubtful that he actually carved his name here.Remain on U.S. 189 but turn southwest to Kemmerer and take U.S. 30 west to Montpelier, Idaho.
From Three Forks, we turn west and south on U.S. 287 to Virginia City and nearby Bannack, the earliest capital of Montana Territory and now a state historic site.Next we travel east and south on U.S. 287 and U.S. 20 into Island Park and Teton Basin at Driggs, Idaho, a location known as Pierre’s Hole during Bridger’s day. Vasquez had Bridger’s name and the date engraved on the gunstock of the half-stock.40 caliber rifle. He reportedly constructed Fort Convenience and a hunter’s cabin that predated the majority of settlement in the region. Of course, it is quite possible that Vasquez was simply being whimsical when he gave “Fort Convenience” as his return address in December 1834, even though this quirk is somewhat out of character—Vasquez does not reveal a keen sense of humor in his letters and, although fun-loving, he was not known as a prankster.Another of Vasquez’s marks on Colorado’s pre-territorial history comes through the story of a hunter’s cabin.
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