Moving walls are generally represented in years. The five-stanza version in syllabic stanzas gives way to an experiment in free verse, which Moore also abandoned ultimately. The poet admits that she does not like poetry and that there are many more important things. Yet the sources she left out of her notes are no less significant.For example, the famous opening phrase, "I, too, dislike it" appears in notes Moore copied from The Notebooks of Samuel Butler (London, 1912) not long before she wrote "Poetry." She added, however, a significant caveat: "an indebted thing does not interest us unless there is originality underneath it. "A Machinery of Satisfaction." So long as one needs these supplemental metaphors to define poetry , one is condemned to the distance of attempting to explain the genuine -the site of perpendicularity and polish—in terms of merely illustratory materials, which are thus necessarily only partial realizations of what they attempt to instantiate. For Moore, as for Blake, established authority is by definition a fraud. We have only their raw materials and their intentions. What is interesting about them is how they reflect our own acts of investigation--our curiosity depends on theirs. Troubadour: An Autobiography.
Ed., Marianne Moore: A Collection of Critical Essays. Note, too, how the rest are susceptible of pejorative connotation in some contexts: copied, imitative, secondary, second-hand.Moore's careful use of both denotation and connotation suggests, then, that after a certain point ("when they become so derivative") the very act of deriving one's work guarantees that it will be second-rate as well as secondhand; but although most readers can understand her linking of the derivative process with the generally mediocre, some may question her specific linkage of it to the unintelligible. There have been men who loved the future like a mistress, and the future mixed her breath into their breath and shook her hair about them, and hid them from the understanding of their times. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1977. insolence and triviality and can present. 89-107.Burns, Gerald. The Complete Poems of Marianne Moore.
Costello writes:The ambivalence in the two versions or "Poetry" is basic to Moore's aesthetic: poetry embodies a continual tension between the desire to concentrate all thought into a unity, into epigram, into implied vision (and silence), and the desire to make distinctions, to be explicit, to rind the right words (and perhaps simply to assert one's existence by saying more). Moore pushes against those limits by refusing to be content with the moment of negation that sets perpendicularity against reference. Leonard Unger. By contrast, the three-stanza version joined these images with a preceding colon and tied them together with a concluding dash, forming one of Moore's idiosyncratic "miscellanies." New York: Macmillan/Viking, 1981. They are original and individual. The method is a main part of the pleasure: lean cartography; reiteration with compactness; . Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1926. If prior revisions were made to please a coterie committed to free verse or to a poetic dogma, or to please an editor such as T. S. Eliot, this one was probably made by Moore for herself alone, though not without a larger audience in mind.Indeed, the final revision with its dramatic about face—cutting what was virtually an institution by 1967 and then almost nostalgically, or in a parody of nostalgia, restoring it—puts the earlier revisions of "Poetry" in perspective, particularly that version made for T. S. Eliot's edition of her Selected Poems in 1935. ]From Marianne Moore: Woman and Poet. The three-stanza version is much more intent upon making its point than the thirteen-line version in free verse. Oo, yay—more quotes pop up for us. The notes to the poem constitute another modernist inclusion, as do those of T . . Similarly, things and words, nature and spirit are for them all of the same order of being. ""Well," I said, "that's fine. This tradition of moralist critics, including Panichas, holds that literature should instruct as well as delight. The result has not been poetry. No doubt she collected material for her conversation notebooks in the company of the Others group including Kreymborg, Williams, and others (Hoffman 153). Indeed, their accomplishment seems to us miraculous, a matter of enchantment or alchemy--such as would turn princes into toads, and vice versa. As ordinary as toads are, we cannot find forms that can domesticate them. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Poetry by Marianne Moore.Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC.
Figuring itself with one of its own figures, "Poetry" too "can dilate"—"if it must"; and it does so cyclically in its own "Notes." . t[he] meaning wh[ich] was intended that I sh[oul]d Her mastery of the conversational tone, one of the most striking attributes of much of her poetry (Shankar 147), an effect she notes frequently in others (see her essay on Abraham Lincoln, for example [Predilections 197-204]), is one of the most forceful organizing factors of the poem "Poetry."
The best way to explain this level of vraisemblance and naturalization may be to say that citing or opposing conventions of genre brings about a change in the mode of reading. New York: Columbia UP, 1969.Shankar, D. A. Robert Pinsky suggests “this drastic compression seems designed to frustrate the poem’s admirers (perhaps especially the critics and scholars who had commented on the poem), taking back the exquisitely twisty epigrams and images that readers had enjoyed, analyzed, quoted.” He admires her deeply idiosyncratic aesthetic vision, claiming that she “sets forth an art that is irritable, attentive, and memorably fluid.” Donald Hall admits to liking the thirteen line version best, explaining that it is the one that best “denigrates a particular kind of modern poetry in which intellectualization has led to incomprehensibility, but it does not, as the longer version does, seek to define what poetry ought to be. The reversed order of words seems to me poetic suicide.
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