la santa cecilia méxico americano

Following this command, both boxers should stop boxing and move one step back before continuing.

Referees, meanwhile, are put in the cage with fighters and are scored on their positioning and ability to properly officiate a fight. Seems like the referee could be paid a lot more money. 2020 The World Boxing Association Stopping the bout should only be done when absolutely necessary and or when the rules clearly call for it. Additionally, a Referee’s basic duties are to enforce the rules fairly, maintain control of the bout and to interpret the rules insofar as to their applicability to the action.The Referee must never allow himself to be influenced by anyone or anything other than the actions of the boxers as they occur.The Referee shall undergo a complete physical examination by a certified physician annually. Few fans go to an event to see the Referee.When one of the boxers is a southpaw, the Referee may find it harder to move in the ring. If it is necessary, he should notify the Ringside Physician and request that he or she examine the boxer. Good positioning will start at the sound of the hammer signaling that there are ten seconds left in the round.

During the count examine the boxer and be ready to make a decision. If the Physician needs time to examine the boxer after the rest period, the Referee will call time out immediately after the bell rings to start the next round. Receiving assignments as a boxing referee depends on your location. The Referee should make a habit of consistently being in good position at the sound of the bell to end the round. It is a sincere honor and privilege to participate in the sport of professional boxing and be a member of the WBA. The Referee will then go to the winner and raise his hand as an official sign of the victory.Being a professional boxing Referee is the most difficult officiating position in all of sports.

The WBA emblem will be worn on the left shirt pocket area.If a belt is worn, it should be all black. Officiating during a boxing match means more than just ensuring both boxers obey the rules. Escort him back to his corner and remove his mouthpiece whenever possible.With this said, don’t over do it. Long dramatic instructions serve no purpose and may create a circus like atmosphere.The Referee will then motion the boxers to touch gloves and order them back into their respective corners. After having been a Judge for 12 months, a Grade C Judge can then take a Grade C Referee written exam, providing you have judged at least 50 bouts. Suitable hand signal: Point to the area where the blow landed. Or, after a knockdown, the mouthpiece comes out. The Referee must know where the Physician is seated. What is the primary concern and what are the basic duties of a Referee?

At his discretion, the Referee may disqualify the offending boxer.The Referee will also take appropriate action if the hurt boxer cannot continue at that moment or later on during the bout. When evaluating the fighter do not touch him. Clearly, they play an integral part to the success of the bout and the Referee should coordinate activities with them before the bout.If a Referee does so, you will seldom see a boxer come out without his mouthpiece, loose tape or gauze, etc.

This action will officially document the headbutt.In the event that the headbutt was intentional, the Referee will instruct the Judges to deduct two (2) points from the unhurt boxer. If the mouthpiece is spit out more than once, the Referee should deduct one point from the offending boxer. This variation from Referee to Referee and many times, from count to count, may give a boxer an unfair advantage over his opponent. Suitable hand signal: Extend arms and push/shove off.Boxers are allowed to use the ropes to move themselves from side to side. During the rest period the Inspector will look for and handle these issues if they arise. Avoid excesses. This is for USA Boxing. Most people involved in boxing are so old school it's crazy; I wouldn't expect an email to get answered. It will also give keen insight to other boxing officials so that they may better understand the difficulty of achieving greatness in this key aspect to the success of the sport of boxing. At times, the holding boxer is not to blame as when one boxer pushes or leans on his opponent and the latter loses balance and holds on.It should be noted that when one of the boxers pushes his arms underneath the arms of his opponent, does not withdraw them, and his opponent then delivers blows, the Referee should not interrupt this counter attack, but rather admonish the boxer pushing his arms underneath.Suitable hand signal: Mimic the type of holding, clenching or wrestling.This is very dangerous. Asking the downed boxer if he would like to continue and having him take a step or two towards you is surely acceptable. Referees are strongly advised to review this rule closely and follow the exact procedure to assure that not only the bout officials know their decision, but that no boxer gains an unfair advantage.Suitable hand signal: Tap the top of your head with your hand and mimic the head movement.It is critical to know that the waistline is defined as the imaginary horizontal line through the navel to the top of the hips. This position will allow the Referee to see both landing blows and their effect. The Physician and the Inspector are a Referee’s closest allies.Inspectors are the unsung heroes of the boxing official’s team.

Even the loser makes millions of dollars in a high -profile championship fight. When you've completed the course and successfully passed the exam, you receive a certificate of completion from the boxing organization.Taking classes doesn't prepare you for every eventuality when serving as a boxing referee; only experience can do that. The papers are held by, and will be marked by, the Regional Assessors. They are:It is your call. Becoming a referee. Additionally, a Referee’s basic duties are to enforce the rules fairly, maintain control of the bout and to interpret the rules insofar as to their applicability to the action. The head then swings side to side or up and down without the gloves being in front. If it can’t happen for whatever reason, take what is given. In other countries, there may be either a government agency or an … You also can help set the pace by deciding when to break fighters from clinches. If you are successful in passing this element, you will be asked to referee at least five contests.

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la santa cecilia méxico americano