closing the boyfriend loophole

According to Rep. Debbie Dingell, the boyfriend loophole doesn't just put survivors of domestic violence at risk, it puts everyone at risk. Acevedo suggested that closing the boyfriend loophole might have prevented Arturo Solis from owning a gun because his earlier domestic violence conviction would have made it illegal. Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo accused U.S. Sens.

""Under the federal law," Zeoli explains, "I could be the victim of domestic violence and go for a domestic violence restraining order and get one. A version of the law that would have closed the loophole passed the Democrat-controlled House in April but stalled in the Republican-controlled Senate.The boyfriend loophole refers to what some describe as a gap in a federal gun law that allows some people convicted of domestic violence charges to own and purchase firearms.Federal law bans people from owning a firearm if the victim was a spouse, a person they lived with or a person with whom they share a child. That's why in the 90s, Congress passed the The gap in law is often referred to as "the boyfriend loophole. Unfortunately, the gun lobby and their allies in Congress have routinely opposed both state and federal legislation to extend firearm prohibitions to abusive dating partners. But Most people agree that the aim of federal background checks is to prevent dangerous people from being able to buy a firearm. The statues were a project of the Texas Conference on Family Violence.

""This is important," Zeoli continues, "because recently, it looks like just under half of intimate partner homicides "This isn't a 'nothing works, we don't know what to do' situation. Share Tweet Email "Red Women" statues in front of the Texas Capitol in 2006, representing women who have died from domestic violence. The loophole refers to the fact that victims of more casual relationships are not protected.Unlike federal law, which prevents a person with even a misdemeanor domestic violence conviction from ever owning a gun, Texas restores people's right to own a gun five years after they complete the terms of their sentences.First passed in 1994, the law provides funding for the investigation and prosecution of violent crimes against women, as well as services like transitional housing for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors.The law expired in February, and reauthorization is stalled because lawmakers are in disagreement over new provisions that would close the boyfriend loophole, expand existing protections to include transgender victims, and allow U.S. citizens to be tried in tribal courts for domestic violence and dating violence crimes committed by a non-native perpetrator on native lands.Some Republicans have argued that closing the boyfriend loophole would be too restrictive of gun rights.Republicans, including Cornyn, have also blamed Democrats for walking away and allowing negotiations to fall apart.Both Cruz and Cornyn voted against reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act that passed inIn a phone call with reporters, Cornyn said Wednesday that he agrees with the police chief that "convicted domestic abusers should not be able to own a gun. Moreover, research shows guns are not only prominent components in the homicide of women at the hand of an intimate partner but that they also factor heavily into incidents of nonfatal abuse and violence.

Closing The 'Boyfriend Loophole' Could Prevent Domestic Violence Deaths. "She adds: "This is a policy that looks like it works, and that is important. By Jill Ament • Dec 13, 2019 . It refers to the fact that While the "boyfriend loophole" can affect both genders, it's particularly troubling for women. The issue of enforceability of the existing law to protect victims of abuse from stalkers and convicted domestic abusers highlights the complexity of separating guns from abusive owners.

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closing the boyfriend loophole